Happy Thanksgiving to those of us in the United States (and a belated one for our friends in Canada)! In this episode, the gang gathers to celebrate a year surviving in Appalachia. Simon is back with Jake and Amata at last and they plan a Thanksgiving feast in their new home that quickly gets derailed by dark cravings. Meanwhile Chad's gang gets introduced to Punch the Supermutant and decide to take little Susie on a "turkey hunt". Amongst all the holiday cheer however, a dark force has been growing in power this past year...they are the crown known as the Apocalyptic Aristocracy. It's teeth? Well...some of its members are E.A.T.T. In this special episode Kris Graul of the Establishment of Appalachia Taste Testers voices himself! Tuck in and enjoy the feast...but it's not your usual fair.